Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How can drama help shy students gain more confidence Essay

How can drama help shy students gain more confidence? 1) Studying drama at school can be a positive, life-enhancing experience for children. It can improve confidence and help to combat (ÃŽ ºÃŽ ±Ãâ€žÃŽ ±Ãâ‚¬ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ »ÃŽ µÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ®ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½) shyness, which many young children struggle with. However, many claim that if performing is taken too seriously it can make children too competitive, stressed and diminish (ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃÅ½ÃŽ ½ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹) their confidence if they are not successful. This could make them less likely to thrive in (ÃŽ µÃâ€¦ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ®ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½ ÏÆ'ÃŽ µ) social interactions with school friends and work colleagues later on in life. 2) Confidence is vital for young people who need to excel (υπΠµÃ Ãâ€žÃŽ µÃ ÃÅ½) in higher education and in the workplace. One way children can improve their confidence is to study drama at school, as it can help combat shyness and help to develop social skills. Drama can improve a child’s confidence because once they get used to performing in front of an audience, they will feel more able to speak out in other social situations. 3) Studying drama enables children to relax and have fun in social settings, which is vital for improving confidence. It also provides a perfect setting for children to make friends as they will have to work together in a team, which calls for increased communication. Children can then foster (ÃŽ µÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¹ÃÆ'χÏ ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½) these relationships outside of the classroom. On the other hand, drama increases competition in children and serves to diminish their confidence if they are not successful. Drama is a competitive subject because children will compete for the best roles. This can lead to children becoming overly competitive with their peers and stressed if they fail to win a role they wanted. This failure can also make a child feel rejected and worthless and could damage their self-esteem (ÃŽ ±Ãâ€¦Ãâ€žÃŽ ¿ÃŽ µÃŽ ºÃâ€žÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ·ÃÆ'ÃŽ ·) and confidence THROUGH DRAMA A STUDENT CAN become another – explore a new role – try out and experiment with various personal choices Drama allows students to communicate with and understand others in new ways. are less likely to have difficulty SPEAKING IN PUBLIC will be more PERSUASIVE in their communications will be better able to put themselves into others’ shoes and will have a more POSITIVE, CONFIDENT SELF IMAGE. Participation in Dramatic activity requires SELF CONTROL and DISCIPLINE Students in Drama will learn to WORK TOGETHER, to cooperate Are practical lessons just as important as theoretical lessons? How important is it for students to learn life skills at school? Education should be skill based rather than knowledge based. Knowledge is of no use without a skill to apply it. A student can get a good knowledge by just reading but skill to apply the knowledge can only be achieved by practice. Skill based education is better as it is useless if we have knowledge but do not have the skill to apply it and fulfill our goal. Many people are knowledgeable but if they are skilled as well , they can get employment and have a good life but if we only have knowledge its useless without a skill to apply it Some schools have debate and public speaking clubs and classes. In your opinion, how important is it for students to take part in activities like these? Debating skills raise children’s confidence and self-esteem, and it has to start early. Teachers need to work smarter. Using students’ natural talent of arguing and challenging authority, we can channel (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¡ÃŽ µÃâ€žÃŽ µÃ ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µ) student energy into a positive learning assignment (Ï„Ï ÃÅ'πΠ¿ ÃŽ µÃŽ ºÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¬ÃŽ ¸ÃŽ ·ÃÆ'ÃŽ ·Ãâ€š). Debates offer that natural way for teachers to facilitate (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ µÃâ€¦ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¿ÃŽ »Ã ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½) analytical thinking. Classroom debates enable students to work cooperatively, brainstorm ideas, develop vocabulary and read to support an opinion. Students are taking notes to summarize, to question, and to clarify (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ µÃâ€¦ÃŽ ºÃ ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ¶ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½)information. Students are identifying the main idea, deleting less important information, categorizing, and labeling information. Questioning allows students to explain and to explore additional facts for clarification purposes. These comprehension skills are essential for students to become competent readers and writers linking debates directly to the entire curriculum.Debates allow students to become more proficient in speaking, researching, reading, and writing skills, and they promote reasoning as well as communication skills. I believe that public speaking and drama should be compulsory in schools, because it would benefit the confidence and self-esteem of young people.Drama and Speaking provides confidence, ability to express opinio ns and beliefs.

Do you agree with Juliet Dusinbierres claim that Renaissance Drama is feminist-in-sympathy?

The Renaissance oversaw a debate that challenged the roles of women. Although, feminism did not exist in Renaissance, there were women in society who struggled to achieve equality with men.1 However, whether Renaissance Drama contains feminist sympathies is controversial. John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi 2and Ben Jonson's Volpone3 are two plays that portray a female struggle for freedom and equality. Yet at the same, both plays show that there were limitations to this freedom and equality as not only were women dominated by patriarchy but also it seems that any women who proved resistant to this and strived to achieve equality were eventually punished for their actions. Webster demonstrates how women struggle to achieve equality and freedom as the protagonist, The Duchess is very dominating and independent. Siobhan Keenan supports this as she argues that â€Å"Webster's portrayal of the Duchess does not conform to either stereotype. The woman that we finally meet in the play is witty, self-assured and sexually knowing.†4Keenan makes a strong argument because , seems that the Duchess in the first half of the play at least is domineering and therefore does not remain the ideal, chaste and virtuous woman that formed the typical feminine stereotype in the Renaissance.5 The Duchess is â€Å"self-assured†6 and domineering by the way that she courts Antonio and marries him, despite defying her brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal, and marrying beneath her social class. This is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 when the Duchess says: Shall this move me? If all my royal kindred Lay in my way unto my marriage, I'd make them my low footsteps; and even now, Even in this hate, as men in some great battles, By apprehending danger, have achieved Almost impossible actions (I have heard soldiers say so), So i through fights and threatening will assay This dangerous venture. Let old wives report I winked and chose a husband, Cariola, To thy known secrecy I have given up More than my life – my fame (1:3:48-58)7 The Duchess is independent in the way that she marries Antonio, because unlike the male counterpoint that would usually courts his suitor, the duchess decides to appoint a husband for herself, and therefore in the process challenges patriarchal authority. The duchess challenges patriarchal authority because her description of her brothers as â€Å"her low footsteps† (1:3:50)8 illustrates that she cannot be controlled and that nothing will stand in her way of her marriage. Webster also demonstrates how women are equal alongside men to some extent where the Duchess is concerned because it appears that once the Duchess is married to Antonio, she wields immense control and influence over their relationship. This is seen in Act 3, Scene 2 when Antonio suggests: ANTONIO We'll Sleep Together DUCHESS Alas, what pleasure can two lovers find in sleep? CARIOLA My lord, I lie with her often, and i know She'll much disquiet you . ANTONIO See, you are complained of. CARIOLA For she's the sprawling'st bedfellow ANTONIO I shall like her The better for that (3:2:10-14)9 The Duchess's refusal to sleep with Antonio is significant here because it demonstrates not only that she mainly influences her relationship with Antonio but also that she will control her own sexual life and function as a woman. Jonson's Volpone also demonstrates that there is a struggle for women to achieve equality and freedom, as this is partly seen by the characterisation of Lady Politic-Would-Be and Celia. Webster shows how Lady Politic-Would Be is independent by the way that she likes to express her femininity as she says: Come nearer. Is this curl In his right place? Or this? Why is this higher Then all the rest? You ha' not washed your eyes yet? Or do they not stand even i' your head? Where's your fellow? Call her. (3:4:10-14)10 Lady Politic – Would Be's questioning of her beauty is significant here because it demonstrates that not only is she critical of her own image as a woman but also that she wants to control her own femininity and identity. Jonson also demonstrates to a certain extent through his portrayal of Celia that women are resistant towards men. This is particularly seen in Act 3 Scene 7 when Volpone tries to both seduce and rape Celia: VOLPONE Think me cold, Frozen, and impotent, and so report me? That I had Nestors hernia, thou wouldst think. I do degenerate, and abuse my nation. To play with opportunity thus long. I should have done the Act and then have parleyed. Yield, or I'll force thee CELIA O Just God! (3:7:259-264)11 Celia's adornment of Christian values and religion is used to camouflage her resistance to men to a certain extent. Celia's Christian values and beliefs play an important role in allowing her to prove her resistance because it demonstrates that apart from her husband, she is only responsible to God, and therefore this offers protection and comfort to her.12 Furthermore, both Celia's refusal to â€Å"yield† (3:7:263)13 to Volpone and her cry for help could be viewed as a key turning point in the play. This is because not only is this the first time that a female character resists male authority but also it shows that women do have a voice. Celia's voice could mark a stage in the struggle for female equality because it shows that women are both capable of expressing their identity and silencing patriarchy. However, at the same time, Webster and Jonson also show throughout their plays that there are limitations to achieving female equality. Webster and Jonson both show that patriarchy dominates the lives of women and therefore in doing so provides an obstacle to freedom. Jonson and Webster show how women are dominated by patriarchy by the way that both Celia and the Duchess are viewed as possessions and objects of men. Jonson shows that Celia is viewed as an object of Corvino because she is not allowed to leave her home and is therefore kept isolated from society. This is supported by Michael Stout who has argued that â€Å"Celia is not a character to appeal to feminists for she is dependent on the actions of others. Celia is acted upon, rather than acting freely herself and is at the mercy of the male characters in the play.†14 Stout makes a strong argument here because throughout the play, Celia is largely portrayed typically as the chaste, virtuous and subservient woman who proves to be dominated by her husband and is domesticated. Jonson also shows how Celia is treated as an object of her husband by the way that Corvino tries to sell his wife to Volpone, and therefore likens her to money as he asks â€Å"What is my Gold/The worse for, touching?† (3:7:40-41)15 Corvino's reference to Celia as â€Å"gold† (3:7:40)16 is significant here in demonstrating how women are viewed as property because by situating women in economic terms, it allows men to use and abuse women, and hence enables them to become more prosperous and powerful. In similar fashion, Webster also demonstrates that women are referred to in economic terms and treated as objects, as this is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 w hen the Duchess has a conversation with Ferdinand: DUCHESS Diamonds are of most value, They say, that they have passed through most jewellers' hands. FERDINAND Whores by that rule are precious. (1:3:7-9)17 Ferdinand's description of the Duchess as a form of jewellery that is â€Å"precious† (1:3:9)18 is significant in demonstrating how men try to reduce women to objects. This is because by trying to exert influence and dominance over women in this way; it not only allows men to become more prosperous but also more competitive and prestigious in society. Webster also shows how women never really achieve equality as this is seen by the way that the Duchess is murdered towards the end of the play and does not outlive any of the male characters.19 Although, Webster's play is a tragedy, it is significant that he alters the conventions in choosing a woman as his tragic hero. Webster's choice of a woman for his tragic hero and the Duchess' death in the play is important because it could demonstrate that women never really achieve freedom. Women never really achieve freedom because despite striving to achieve a voice, this ultimately proves too artificial and weak within a society governed and driven by men. Renaissance Drama only contains feminist sympathies to some extent. Although Webster and Jonson in their plays show that women struggle to achieve freedom and equality alongside men, this ultimately proves limited and counterproductive as not only are female characters heavily influenced by patriarchy. However, they are also eventually oppressed and punished for any attempted actions or resistance against this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ruth Chris: Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime

Page 1 Sydney Wright Dr. Bridget Brennan English 1000 13 February 2013 Ruth Chris: Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime There are alot of places in the DC-metropolitan area that not only I but others as well find interesting and intriguing. A resteraunt was brought to mind that fits this description. It was the none other Ruth Chris Steakhouse located in Baltimore Maryland just walking distance away from the inner harbor. Although a very popular resteraunt, not many people in my age group have had the opportunity to dine at Ruth Chris. The best aspects of this resteruant are hands down its atmosphere, service, and their famous steaks.The atmosphere of Ruth Chris gives off a classy, romantic, upscale vibe. Through out the resteraunt featured relaxing warm red and gold tones providing the perfect ambience. The walls are comlemented by beautiful modern art and paneled walls. The background music is nice and soft setting the mood to relaxing and comfortable. The lights are dimmed to set that romantic mood and also relaxing mood. Everything about this resteraunt is impressive. Even the bathrooms are impressive. They have hand soap and lotin for your hands. The dont just have the average paper towels that you use to dry your hands, but they have cloths. here was not a spec of dirt anywhere to be found. This upscale enviroment will make you feel like royalty. This comfortable yet chic atmosphere is perfect for you if you want to be somewhere calm and settled. Not only does the atmosphere gives off a comfortable vibe, the servers do as well. Ruth Chris has excellent service. The servers already know your name when you are introduced to them. The staff are very kind and patient, they have an anwser to all of your questions. They have great listening skills, and give great recommendations if you are indecisive as to what it is you want.The servers are very attentive to your every need. They make sure that your food is perfectly how you wanted it. They do not mind going b ack in the kitchen for a recook. You do not have to call on them for refills or more napkins, for they already do so themselves. They will even wrap your food up for you if you have left overs. They will not let you lift a finger, only to eat of course. You can automatically tell that all of the staff has had alot of expericence in the food industry. You can look at the way they carry themselves and how they talk to you. These are the type of people you want to serve you.One more thing you must know about the service is that all entree plates are served to you piping hot with the food on the plate still sizziling. So for the love of your fingers DO NOT TOUCH THE PLATES!! Even thought they provide you with excellent service, the all time best aspect of this resteraunt is what they are most famous for, THE STEAKS! Its not an opinion, its a fact that Ruth Chris has the best steaks. If you are a steak lover you will no doubt love all of their steaks. Ruth Chris has a variety of entees t o choose from off the menu. The one you absolutely must try is their filet mignon and lostertail entree.This melt in mouth, juicy, flavorful steak is the king of all steak. Its tender texture is just perfect. So tender that it can literally be cut with a fork. The lobster tail perfectly compliments the steak with its juicyand chewyness. This resteraunt has so mush to offer from their relaxing atmosphere to their wonderful juicy steaks. Wheather its a steak dinner for two, a business meeting, or even for a romantic evening out, Ruth Chris is the place to be. Everybody shud visit there at least once in their lifetime. I promise you its worth your your every penny. This is the utimate fine dining experience ofa lifetime!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Journal 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal 4 - Assignment Example Ms Kim Eunja and her husband are amongst the sufferers who are scared of returning because of the risks posed by the radiation. Many villagers like Ms Kim do not wish to return but they explain that they do not have any option left. This is because the government has declared that after next March, evacuation of the temporary residence provided to these villagers as well as the monthly stipend that is being given to them would end. Furthermore, the compensation for returning and for rebuilding their homes has just been set to half the worth of the property that existed before the accident. Also, it has been announced that the people who would return earlier would be given an additional bonus worth nine thousand dollars. The steps of the government and the nuclear power plant industry have been criticized by Mayor Yukei Tomitsuka under whose jurisdiction the village of Miyakoji lies. He has argued that injustice is being done against the villagers who should be provided with a better compensation. Despite of these complaints, there has been no offer made by the government and the nuclear industry as yet. The villagers feel that they are being forced to return to Miyakoji without the negative aspects being considered and compensated

Sunday, July 28, 2019

You choose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

You choose the topic - Essay Example As the situation worsened, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as refugees moving to neighbouring countries grew, totaling over nine million, so did the need for humanitarian aid, mostly shelter, food, toiletries and medical supplies. Essentially, this created the need for charity and aid organisations through which the refugees and IDPs could assess basic needs. However, some of the charity groups started collecting funds from donors and either used it for personal benefits or funding terrorist groups. Therefore, it has become necessary to create a genuine and credible organisation in Saudi Arabia that will work alongside other organisations in the region to channel all the funds and aid received to addressing the humanitarian needs of Syrian citizens. Credibility and using funds for what they are intended for will be the most effective way to justify the existence of the charity and gain the confidence and trust of sponsors. Syria has been experiencing violent wars since 2011 that were sparked by protests calling for the release of political prisoners, political reforms and the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad (Hinnebusch 2012, p. 98). Although the protests were peaceful initially, the government reacted brutally to the protestors, further aggravating the situation and violating human rights. The growing number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees necessitated the creation of charities to address humanitarian needs of the citizens. Shelter, food, toiletries, medical supplies and clean water became and remain urgently needed. However, unscrupulous organisations soon started taking advantage of the strong calls by Islam towards charitable giving, known as zakat, and started enriching themselves. It also became known that terrorist groups were collecting money from corrupt charities and their employees, which in turn tarnished the name of charitable organizations (ICRP 2014, p. 905). In this report,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

TBH Confectionery Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

TBH Confectionery - Assignment Example It is happens with those companies which are small sized and are faced with more effects of globalization, increased overseas competition, globalized supply chain management, expanding to other markets and focusing more on establishing e-business (Winch and Bianchi, 2006). In THB, the company has failed to managed the information effectively to control and manage its business process. The company is using out-dated technology and is not aware on how to manage and control information streaming. According to Rockart (1979), information management plays a significant role in business or business area; if it would result in satisfaction; it would enhance greater competition in the performance within the organization. Tim holds limited information on what actually a customer wants? To remain in the business and to expand its business overseas, Tim needs to realize the importance of having information related to customer behavior, competition, cultures, societies, and habits of the customer. In other words, it can be said that THB confectionery had limited knowledge about the people worldwide. Also, with the entrance of new market competitor, it was becoming harder for THB to maintain its business operations running smooth due to lack of information and how to maintain an efficient data system. THB realized that the communities are growing over the period of time on the internet and as a result, it would get hard for the THB confectionery to maintain its market position without effectively managing the data. At this point, it became imperative for THB confectionery to expand its operations, make its internet presence more attractive, build its strong customer-base and focus more on the management of information such as what key strategies are being adopted by the competitors, what customers want, how to establish stronger internet presence and to maintain effective data management system with the help of Tims IT

Friday, July 26, 2019

Creativity in young children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creativity in young children - Essay Example The active imaginings of young kids are exceedingly developed and regularly utilized within creativity. Imaginings comes to life as revolutions evolve within play. An early infantile classroom is supposed to encompass opportunities for kids to see and feel beautiful things to offer the inducement for artistic development. Philosophies and models can offer additional ways to comprehend creativity. For instance, the psychoanalytic theory asserts that creativity was the outcome of an involuntary battle between the sensual urges of the individual and the effects of the social principles (superego). Behavioral philosophers have confidence in the significance of support (reward) within scholarship responses to specific stimuli. The humanistic concept states that the creative individual is seen as a self-actualized being who utilizes her abilities to develop into a fully operational and psychologically healthy individual. The constructivist notion concentrates on the expansion of reasoning, and that people are active partakers in the creation of their individual knowledge. Additionally, the social constructivist philosophy is constructed on the conviction that knowledge is too composite to be studied within a vacuum. In its place, it is supposed to be studied within the societal and historical framework wit hin which it takes place. (Isbell & Raines, 2013) Creativity is a fragment of the evolving progression via brain development, affective development, which is the thinking procedure, and holistic progress. The practice is affected by the distinctive characteristics that develop from every child. The environment within which the kid resides interacts with specific abilities to create even more distinctions. Consequently, the child has an impact on his surroundings and, in turn, the surroundings affect the kid. The environment contains of individuals, places, objects, along with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer the questions - Essay Example Operations managers make use of appropriate operations strategies to deal with the overall business strategy designed by the top management of a company. â€Å"Operational strategy begins with defining your business in terms of the present opportunity in relation to the customer and product of the business† (Wasmund 2006). The management of operational activities, which accepts inputs in order to delivers usable outputs, is called operations management (Sankaranrayanan 2011). Operations management incorporates the use of both operational efficiency and operational strategy to manage the business operations. Operational efficiency is related to the completion of tasks in an appropriate manner whereas operational strategy is the set of plans, which are developed to achieve competitive advantage in the market. A key point regarding operations strategy is that it is developed after development of the business strategy to establish a right path, which includes a sequence of decisio ns that makes a business achieve all goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. The operational activities included in the operations strategy play role of the competitive weapons, which can be used to achieve competitive advantage in the market. ... Workplace analysis refers to the evaluation of business operations and the physical environment of a workplace. Managers can analyze the workplace by identifying all sorts of risks and hazards associated with the overall workplace environment of a company. Workplace analysis provide many benefits to a company, such as, prevention of workplace accidents and employee injuries, identification of risks and steps for the elimination of those risks, creation of a safe workplace environment, and installation of safety mechanisms in the workplace. Workplace analysis is a step-based procedure, which involves four different stages. In the first stage, the management reviews the previous injury and hazard records related to the workplace. The review makes the management know the basic aspects of the workplace related accidents, which include nature of the injuries, workplace equipment, and the time at which the accidents took place. Next step is to use the reviews to identify all possible hazar ds and risks. After identification of hazards, the management evaluates the workplace equipment, employee behaviors, and workstations to know the causes of the accidents. In the last step, the management identifies all possible ways to eliminate, contain, or reduce the occurrence of workplace hazards. Devil is in the detail refers to the concept of identifying hidden elements which can cause some specific incident. â€Å"In one sense, one might say â€Å"the devil's in the details† to refer to very small but ultimately important components of a larger task† (Smith 2011). This phrase is used to explain small details of a large incident. In workplace settings, this concept is used to identify the reasons behind any specific workplace incident. Explain How Demands

Book review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Book review - Assignment Example Despite being an anarchist, he strongly opposed the use of violence to solve the problems facing society. Rather, he believed that the society could be reformed through active non-violence. The story in the novel The Adventures of Williams revolves around Caleb, who despite being a poor orphan, manages to get better education. He later earns a lot of respect from community members owing to his enlightenment. The novel basically, gives an account of the position taken by Caleb with respect to the wealthiest man in the neighborhood, Mr. Falkland (Godwin 2004, p.5). The fact that Mr. Falkland has a lot of wealth in the village makes his respectable to the extent that villagers, including Caleb, worship him. Nevertheless, Caleb appears to be very suspicious of Mr. Falkland. He believes that Mr. Falkland engages in unethical activities. As a result, Caleb decides to investigate Mr. Falkland’s past only to unearth some damning information. In the novel The Adventures of William, Godwin as the author tries what he can to expose the rot in the political and social spheres of England during the 18th century (Godwin 2004, p.6). Godwin exposes the rot by giving an overview of the injustices that were the orders of the day in the prison system. He also exposes the oppression of peasants by landlords, the oppression of the poor by the elite, as well the oppression of common citizens by government. The author reveals the injustice of the political and social system through various scenes. For example, he exposes an incident in which Mr. Squire Falkland knowingly and willingly witnesses the execution of two innocent men for a crime that he himself committed. This is brought out when Caleb exposes the secret murder of Tyrrel, one of the landlords by Falkland. Immediately after the murder, Caleb informs the public that Falkland used his power and wealth to blame two innocent men for the murder that leds to the execution of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Real ID act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Real ID act - Essay Example The main advantage is security. The Department of Homeland Security gets the power to decide whether the drivers’ licenses and ID cards can be used for official purposes or not. If they are not complying with federal antiterrorist standards, the card holders will not have access to airplanes, public places, and the courthouse. This means that the security measures are on their way. Increasing incidents of terrorism these days have given rise to the need of such security so that citizens may be given full protection while they travel, work, or enjoy in the parks. Such a strict check would discourage terrorists and also illegal immigrants (Quinn, 2012). Proponents claim the new cards will not be another form of national ID cards because it is optional for a country to adopt them. They are only meant to benefit the country so that it can sort out illegal persons from its citizens. Hence, it is a matter of national security and privacy which makes the proponents of the Act state t hat it is much needed. We support this fact because a critical analysis makes us believe that American citizens have the right to be informed who lives around them claiming to be a citizen of the country, and that the drivers’ licenses contain correct information, and not some aliases, about the card holders. However, the number of critics is more than proponents. Critics claim that the Real ID Act of 2005 is invasive. The issuance of the said cards will make us a surveillance society in which everybody is doubted. The incidents of identity theft will also increase since terrorists and illegal immigrants will use their criminal ways to steal identities. The Act will also increase burden on the tax payers and the immigrants, because of such a high cost being spent on the issuance of these cards. Administrative burden will increase due to expenses. Privacy will be more at stake if drivers’ licenses

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The film PSYCHO (Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) Essay

The film PSYCHO (Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) - Essay Example Mark Lewis comes across a prostitute and starts to film her with a camera he has hidden into his coat. Mark follows the prostitute to her residence and kills her. Later Mark goes back to his house and gladly watches the film of how he murdered the woman. Meanwhile, Mark is also a member of a film crew. Deep inside he has thought of how he would make it to a filmmaker. He is a part-time photographer of women who are into soft porn as pin-up pictures. Mark is an anti-social person (Powell). He lives in his dead father’s house. Mark is fascinated by his neighbors downstairs. Most of all he is fascinated by Helen. Helen is a young woman who has been sweetly natured and she pity’s Marks. Out of this pity, she befriends Marks.The police officers follow Mark closely to a building where he does his photography. This time he is to take photos of pin-up model Milly and he kills her then returns home. Helen runs Mark’s films out of curiosity and Mark catches her in the proc ess. She is dead frightened and Mark tells her that he does that to capture the fear of his victims. The police arrive and corner him. Realizing this, he kills himself the way he killed his victims on the camera. This last scene provides the final part of his documentary. Aspects of the two movies 1. Historical background of the movies The film PSYCHO is an American horror film acted in 1960. The film is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Joseph Stephano screen-played the movie based on the 1959 novel Psycho which Robert Bloch wrote (Hitchcock). Robert Bloch was inspired by the crimes of Wisconsin murderer and Ed Gein, a grave robber. Wisconsin and Ed Gein lived about forty miles from Robert Bloch. The film PEEPING TOM is a British thriller film acted in 1960. The film is directed by Michael Powell. The movie was written by Leo Marks. Leo Marks was a world-war 2 cryptographer and polymath. 2. Comparison of the directors Both directors have a passion for writing films which entrails psychological thrillers and suspense. However, we see that Hitchcock’s Psycho film elevated his career as he was nominated for numerous awards for directing it. Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom was a subject of critics, which at one point maimed his career as a direct or. 3. The principles of film form PSYCHO is a horror-slashed film. It brings about a negative emotional kind of reaction especially in the shower

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Response Essay Example for Free

Critical Response Essay Advertisement can attract anyone that it wishes. In the essay, â€Å"What’s Natural about Our Natural Products?† by Sarah Federman, Sarah talks about how the words â€Å" nature â€Å" and â€Å" natural â€Å" are being used to sell more products and seem â€Å" healthy â€Å". She goes on to discuss how the word â€Å" natural â€Å" has turned into a marketing asset. Federman shows readers that food companies, uses these words to manipulate consumers to buy more of their products. It is a technique that’s used for products like Kraft Cheese to get sales to go up. It is known that Kraft sells Natural Shredded nonfat cheese, Natural Reduced fat swiss, and Natural cheese cubes. Federman writes, â€Å" Kraft has done nothing special with the cheese itself, â€Å" natural â€Å" in this case presumably relates to the shredding, reducing and cubing process† (442). Companies way of attracting on new audience. I agree with sarah’s argument about using ‘ natural â€Å" and â€Å" nature â€Å" just to sell products. Advertisers shouldn’t use these words because if you read the labels, its still man made ingredients in it. To Federman, natural means, â€Å" products or service any or all of the following a healthy alternative, an environmentally friendly product, vegetarians, and or produced without synthetic chemicals† (442). Companies can get away with calling their product natural ingredients. But mixed in these natural, there are unhealthy components like corn syrup, dicalcium, and trisodium phosphate. These oils aren’t healthy, but because of the media, everything with natural on it is automatically good for you. Federman makes a strong point about about how companies can say its â€Å" natural â€Å" but not even how a product is made is natural. she states, â€Å" I found nothing that explained the meaning of â€Å" naturally baked â€Å" , do you think this means they leave the chips out in the sun to crispen up? probably not, so why does this process cost more per ounce when it uses less fat? â€Å"(443). Companies never tell the full ingredients list nor tell you exactly how its made, so to call it  natural is false. The consumers want to be healthy and fit, so the cost wouldn’t bother them. It cost more for something that is less manufactured, but most of the time companies just say its natural just to make more money. This proves that society has an effect on people using it, we want it, but these aren’t good for us, and advertisers fool us into buying it. Federman stated all her thoughts about how companies put the word natural on any labels to attract the audience who thinks buying product that claim to be natural, to show them that you can’t always believe what you see. When reading Federman essay, it can feel like on lecture at time, but as you and some what sarcastic. When Federman states, â€Å" variations of the words â€Å" nature â€Å" and â€Å" natural â€Å" are used for product naming to distinguish alternative medicine practitioners from their western counterparts †¦ blue jeans â€Å" (441). it seem as if youre sitting in the lecture. She makes it seem as if she speaking as part of a group of people who against companies putting natural on the products. Federman expresses emotion for her topic throughout the essay without a demanding tone, but slightly funny. Gladly, her tone doesn’t affect her writing. Without the tone she gives off, the essay wouldn’t stand out, catch the readers attention. The tone makes sure it changes the thoughts of the readers. I use to buy products that said â€Å" all natural â€Å" or â€Å" nature â€Å" on it and spend all that money. Thinking if I buy those products, I will be living healthy. But, after reading Sarah Federman essay, I know now that the products I brought were lack of natural ingredients. The tactics that these advertisers are using, and the products that say natural is the same as the original. I agree with all of Sarah Federman claims, and i fully understand her thoughts and logic about â€Å" natural products â€Å". Works Cited Eschholz, Paul A., Alfred F. Rosa, and Virginia P. Clark. Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Print.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Assessment Of The German Political System Politics Essay

Assessment Of The German Political System Politics Essay Germanys current form of government democratic federal republic parliamentary system. Federal republic of Germany originated in 1945 but was not the government for all of Germany till it was united in 1990. It comprises of 16 states after the merger of the West and the East government of Germany following constitution GRUNDGESETZ of the West Germany. The president is a only a position to nominate the Chancellor who is the head of the government. In turn the chancellor recommends or dismiss members of the federal cabinet who help him in the governing of the country. The country is divided into sixteen states who are represented by Bundesrat occupying an total number of sixty-nine seats. All constitutional initiatives must first be sent to bundesrat and must pass by 2/3rd votes. The Bundestag is the federal assembly which is directly elected by the citizens which consists of 614 seats. The legal body is the Federal constitutional court which makes the supreme court decisions. Germany political influence over foreign business: Germany while giving a strong global boast to numerous international businesses faces many challenges of overcoming its post-writschaftwunder state and also struggling with high tax rates and unemployment. After the world war the government forced companies to invest in one and other which led to companies too compile a long time planning yielding low profits. Late in 2002 Germanys parliament ended the capital gain and cross holding giving freedom to companies to invest freely. Ever since the countrys growth has been significant to a position of business leader. Germany political risk and expropriation: Germany has stable government with minimum political risk for international business, the corruption level in the country is very low. The policies of the government provide little risk to business expropriation. The judicial system upholds the law and is fair with the foreign business. There seizer of assets and property by the government has not to be feared without a compensation or post-uninfected. Although eminent laws do exist specifically article 14 paragraph 3 of German law which discusses basic rights of property which apply to both individuals and businesses. The law states that expropriation shall only be permissible for the public good and it may only be ordered by or pursuant to a law that determined by establishing an equitable balance between the public interest and the interests of those affected. German laws provide property protection laws and by the European union. The European union treaty allows violation of the laws can be brought to European court of justice. Even though the country has booming business overall its economy is suffering. The main reason being that the small and medium industries are not prospering its people are more of a saver than spending which is the main reason hurting the economy. Later in 2003 France and Germany supported the USA in the campaign against Iraq hoping it would boost the economy. This strategy was based upon the theory of Broken Window fallacy by Henry Hazlitts Economy but it failed. Over all the war brought down the economy. Germany has always been a proud country not allowing other countries to boss them or interfere in their politics after their loss in the world war II they renewed their ideas and moved to a more political and business module allowing them to gain status in trade control and even government sanctioned control over businesses. Assessing the German politics Germany does have companies and business it protects but on the whole it is safe environment for international business and investment. Leading the economy in the European union its political system is open to international business and investors. As in all Germany has low political risk. Germanys legal system Germanys legal structure: Germanys legal structure starts with the constitution known as the basic law which holds two major function it insures the rights of the individuals as well as establishes the bodies of government for the land. The traditional system Germany follows is know as the civil law system, there no precedent set by the judicial rule. The civil law follows a system of codes which consists of five civil, civil procedure, commercial, and criminal procedure these code are further divided into five books which includes the general part, obligations, properties, family, and inheritance. The judicial system has to also obey the laws set up by the European union as it is part of the organization. The courts are divided into three category the ordinary courts, the specialized courts, and the constitutional court the highest court in each category is called federal court. The federal court of justice also know as Bundesgerichtshf is the last court of appeal for a review. The federal constitutional co urt also know as bundesverfassungsgericht only hears matters dealing with constitutional rights. The constitutional court is divided into two divisions dealing with two different halves of the constitution. German laws: German tax law is a very complicated and constantly changing and but Germany has many tax deduction laws which help but it only depends on the companies tax advisors knowledge and loyalty. The tax includes social insurance, a wage tax and a solidarity tax. Ten percent of the writing on taxation is on Germany tax laws. The social tax is equivalent to twenty one percent of the total taxable income which pays for the healthcare and social services. The employer must pay the social tax that matches the amount the employee pays to the government as well. The wage tax is based on the income the personal and it is divided into three ranges. The deduction on these taxes vary and complicated and it mainly helps the rich who are able to meet the requirement. Which is why the government is criticized for its taxation law. Germany has a strong employee biased law and is called Employee protection law. The act requires the employees to be given safe and healthy work environment, limited physical labor. Expecting and nursing mothers are protected by the maternity protection act, and provides fully paid material leave before the due date. The government has strict laws against child labor, those under 15 and older attending full time schooling are prohibited from employment. The hours of work act has a strict requirement of safety and health protection and the average time they are allowed to work a day. But there are no laws on minimum wages instead it is written in the contract. All the employees should be treated equally and discrimination on the basses of sex, cast, religion and color are prohibited by law. Laws on the termination are extensive, there should be a minimum of six to seven months notice before termination. Germany being a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development an organization made up of thirty countries resolving economic, environment and social issues. These countries are striving for a free market economy to bring up the living standards, financial stability, employment and other needs. And in 1997 these countries signed a convention, introducing a law in there judicial system The Act of Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Official in International Business in September of 1998 but it came in action in February 1999. Ever since bribery of foreign public official became a criminal offence before which only domestic bribery was considered an offence. Hence companies who deducted bribes on taxes were cracked down and where punishable by law. Germany has one of the strict laws on market restriction especially when it comes soliciting activities such as telemarketing which can only be carried out if the companies have prior consent. In general German legal system is stable and safe for international businesses to transpire without fear. And it also protect human rights to the fullest and gives freedom to invest globally. Germanys Economic market Germanys economy: During the second world war Germanys inflation ran uncontrolled due to Hitler imposing price controls which lead to an inflation in the economy with some sectors of the economy failing. After the war the country suffered a full economical crisis with the prices of goods frozen and the excess of printed money for the war there was sever shortage of good with food being the most. The economy was reduced to a bartering system. To ascertain there was no threat to the country the government substantially weakened the industrial power which included the shutting down the building of planes, ships and ammunitions which where the driving force of German economy before the war started. The Marshall plan helped Germany in monetary and psychology support however the monetary support of dollar was not enough and with currency Reichsmark worthless, the grate economic miracle or Wirtchafswunder was mainly due to the reform in currency. Many economists in the country addressed the reform in the currency and in 1948 they introduced the Deutsche Mark and along with it they reduced taxes and lifted the price controls. With these reforms Germany in several years had rebuilt its economy and had advanced to become the third largest economy in the world. Even with all this Germany miraculous period it has many natural reasons in deceleration of the economy the main reason being the countries service sector of industries was not as good as the manufacturing sector which overall lowers the competitiveness in the global market. And second being the slow accumulation of capital as the country has reached its peak in production, the third factor being the drop in job market due to the shock and the increase in the oil prices. Due these factors reforms are being made in the laws and the constant growth in the GDP and world demand of German goods remaining firm reforms are to be made to keep the countries output growth. The country has experienced a stage where unemployment had reached a record high due to poor economy and harsh winters causing construction and production to stand still. Each country has an way to calculate there unemployment Germany follows the European foundation for the improvement of living and working condition accordi ng to it the number of people registered as unemployed as a percentage of the total number of people in employment and seeing employment. But presently due to the strong global economy and other factors the unemployment has reduced. Germanys travel and tourism has grown significantly in recent years due to the low prices of visiting and staying in Germany it has become one of the most visited sites in Europe. As of 2003 Germanys service industry has brought 7% of the total GDP. Majority of the tourist are from the US, united kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, France, and Italy. The German automobile industry has been one of its pride industries. The industry is one of the highest employers of the population. However the automobile industry being the highest income it is considered the lowest environmental friendly as Germany has done little in the development of eco-friendly vehicles. Germany is a promising country for private investors since the reforms in the government which diversified portfolios, tax reforms, maximizing shareholder value and other political changes. The credit system in Germany has similar operations as US and other countries. The banking system in Germany is one of the biggest in the world since the formation of the European union it follows the rules and regulation of the European central bank. From 2001 Germany has replaced its Deuteche mark to Euro. Germanys Social-Culture When someone travels to a new environment even if they do not know their language their body language speaks at lot for them. So it is essential to know the opposite parties culture before you make a mistake. Like some body language in your culture may mean good but in others it may mean bad like how you greet, or how you sit, or how you wave these all have different meaning in different languages. In some countries their culture and their speaking include a lot of hand signals during such time you should be very careful. For example a wave in Germany during a business meeting is not accepted as good while it may mean differently to you, or if it is a birthday a person should not wish him before the date as it is considered bad in Germany. Such small differences may hinder or cause difficulties in your business on the long rum. Even though Germany has reformed its ideas to permit its business culture but their rigid formal and to the point business styles is still the same as the old ways of the national socialism beliefs. Germany has a very unique business culture which they follow even with their wide globalization. Due to these cultures it is a fact that products of a German production under a German manager is said to have a high quality. There companies and managers use quality and responsiveness and dedication to maintain and produce quality goods. All of these are possible because they are good planners and their workers proceed according to the agenda planed for them. Germany has one of the best health care systems in the world and are fare to all its citizens. There insurance options include three government, private and a combination of both and majority being covered by the government. Each of the insurance in available to citizens on the amount of earnings per annum. German is the official language of Germany and Austria, the Hoch Deutsch is the formal German spoken and taught. The language has similarities to English and Dutch languages. Germany since long has had a major problem of racism, the racial violence is one of the major factor in attacks on individuals since the time of Adolf Hitler who was a against Jews but now it ahs taken a new form racism against color and creed . Germanys Technology Germany is one of the most advanced country in the world in technology. Germany has a law called The German Digital Signature Law to enforce high security technical standards. Siemens home and office and the Polyapply are Germanys leading communication devices. these help companies to increase engineering productivity and to meet the world demands. Polymer electronics which are the application of ambient intelligence same as Rf communications have come a long way. Every country may have technology but the cost of for such high technology cannot be owned all countries but Germany has all these and that is why its one of the worlds leading in technology. Even the health care system is to advanced that some are not found in most parts of the world. Conclusion After considering all the factors of the country Germany is one of the best countries in the world for international business. Having a stable political system, the third best economy with strict laws giving equal justice cultural freedom and on of the best technology. Germany having a central geographical position and part of the European market it is considered a center for international businesses. The country is the world leader in exporting goods. The main factor for Germanys success in the global market is its government who have supported in the development, research and studies in various fields of the market. Currently one of Germanys critical international business involves European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company which is a merger of European union aeronautical companies.

Walmarts Products, Services and Hiring Processes

Walmarts Products, Services and Hiring Processes The company was founded in 1945 and is based in Bentonville, Arkansas. It is a publicly traded company on the NYSE. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. operates retail stores in various formats worldwide. The companys Walmart U.S. segment offers meat, produce, deli, bakery, dairy, frozen foods, floral, and dry grocery; health and beauty aids, household chemicals, paper goods, and pet supplies; electronics, toys, cameras and supplies, photo processing services, cellular phones, cellular service plan contracts, and prepaid service; fabrics and crafts, stationery and books, automotive accessories, hardware and paint, horticulture and accessories, sporting goods, outdoor entertaining, and seasonal merchandise; apparel, shoes, and jewelry; pharmacy and optical services; and home furnishings, housewares, and small appliances through discount stores, supercenters, and neighborhood markets, as well as through Its International segment includes various formats of retail stores and restaurants, including supermarkets, combination discount and grocery stores, supercenters, Sams Clubs, hypermarkets, cash-n-carry stores, department stores, and general merchandise stores. The companys Sams Club segment offers merchandise, including hard goods, soft goods, and selected private-label items under the MEMBERS MARK, BAKERS CHEFS, and SAMS CLUB brands through warehouse membership clubs in the United States, as well as through As of January 31, 2010, it operated 803 discount stores, 2,747 supercenters, 158 neighborhood markets, and 596 Sams Clubs in the United States; 43 units in Argentina, 434 in Brazil, 317 in Canada, 252 in Chile, 170 in Costa Rica, 77 in El Salvador, 164 in Guatemala, 53 in Honduras, 1 in India, 371 in Japan, 1,469 in Mexico, 55 in Nicaragua, 56 in Puerto Rico, and 371 in the United Kingdom, as well as 279 stores in the Peoples Republic of China. In 2010 it was the worlds largest public corporation by revenue, according to the Forbes Global 2000 f or that year. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 681 stores across the United States offering convenient low prices that customers seem to love. Each store features wide aisles and fully stacked shelves stocked with variety of reasonable priced items including: Health and beauty aids Electronics Jewelry Toys Family apparel Hardware Sporting goods Automotive Home furnishings Pet supplies House ware Lawn and garden items super centers meet the needs and demands for convenient family shopping at low prices. Super center groceries include: Frozen foods Deli foods Beverages Fresh produce Canned and packaged goods Meat and dairy products Bakery goods Household supplies Condiments Dry goods and staples Some of the super centers have specialty shops such as: Tire Lube Express Vision centers Portrait studio Pharmacy Brand name restaurants Photo center Health clinic Hair salon Employment Agency Bank Neighborhood Markets offer a quick and convenient way for customers to shop who need groceries, pharmaceuticals, and general merchandise all at their famous everyday low prices. This wide variety of products including: Fresh produce Meat and Dairy products Frozen foods Dry goods and staples Health and Beauty aids Deli foods Bakery Items Canned and packaged goods Condiments and spices Pet supplies Stationery and paper goods Drive through pharmacy Household supplies One hour photo center C. Products and Services initiatives that require HR support Wal-Mart global sourcing stays committed to providing and developing local talent for the purchasing of merchandise for all Wal-Mart retail operations. D. Brief Walmart structure Wal-Mart is one of the largest stores in the United States. It operates many different stores all around the world. It operates supercenters, discount stores, Sams club, and neighborhood markets. Wal-Mart operates in countries all over the world such as: Brazil, Argentina, China, Canada, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, United Kingdom and Puerto Rico. Wal-marts operations are subject to different laws, cultures, and customs. There are laws and regulation around the world that affects Wal-Mart each year, therefore the statement of ethics must be modified to match the changes in these laws and customs. Wal-Mart uses an organizational theory whereas the company utilizes its resources effectively increasing productivity. The company has been a leader in the category over any other company around. Wal-Mart uses a decentralized structure which leads to improved performance for the company. There are many ways that make Wal-Mart different from the othe r companies such as technology, innovation, and cost leadership. E. Organizational structure initiatives requiring H.R. support H.R. does not support the organizational structure alone. Developing careers and management the companies are involving all their employees. This was brought about because of the stiff competition in the retail sectors. New ways are a must for companies who are going to incorporate job enrichment. Wal-Mart has an orientation program that involves retention practices for their employees. When an employee starts their employment with Wal-Mart, they are taken through the recruitment process, which shows them what their new job position is. This also teaches the employee about the companys organizational structure, and about the Wal-Mart history. The employees are informed that the same warm welcome that is extended to the consumers when entering Wal-Mart goes the same for them when they report for work. The whole idea is to keep your employees once an organization has invested in them. Treat your employees well and they will feel a greater need to remain within the company. The employees at Wal-Mart are offered training and development programs, and this is considered as part of their regular work environment. The companys objective is to train and develop their employees to be prepared with the necessary skills, if chosen to climb the corporate latter as a well-trained employee leader. Wal-Mart came up the Leaders out In Front this means that the managers within the 4 manager areas will be responsible for training. This also gives them a chance to improve themselves for their own advancement goals. This will help improve the employees performance and according to the organization, the assistant managers are the ones who will be responsible for this training Another training program established by Wal-Mart uses a training program which is the store learning program that virtual classrooms that in certain selected stores employees learn what the most effective methods of delivery service. Wal-Mart employees develop their careers through skill assessments. The company uses an Associate Investment model where supervisors evaluate employee competencies, and allows the assessment of the evaluation process. If the evaluation was conducted incorrect or inaccurate, the company can detect it and makes their employees more prepared for future assessments. (King, 2006) The company goes through a career assessment and development process, which is known as the Phase one, the informative phase, which involves on boarding so that the company can ascertain whether their employees know all the skills and knowledge required to perform their job functions. In the fundamental track phase, the company conducts performance management, which assists their employees in the process of understanding their responsibilities, and is also tailored to create a good foundation for employees as perform their duties. The third phase for the employees is the advanced track phase. Associates are taught how to plan their careers. The company assures that their employees go through all the progressive steps required to advance to different positions within the company. Associates are required to evaluate their own performance, training and skills, so that they can maintain some kind of idea where they stand in their company. Wal-Mart employees while in this program are provided training for example on how to write resumes, conduct interviews, plan their careers and seek for job opportunities within the company. Many Wal-Mart employees have undergone these training programs where they have learned what it is to be part of the Wal-Mart family. The top managers understand the importance of developing well trained employees within the company. They feel very strongly on retaining their employees that have been through their training programs. (Marquez, 2005) The companys HR stated that the companys success is because of the dedication and time that is put into evaluating whether the best qualified employee has pursued the opportunities that the company offers. They are going to start working on obtaining information from their employees, to see what it is that the employee may want to pursue in his career with the company. Once this is accomplished, then the company can offer that specific training for that area, dept. or location. Because of employee concerns, Wal-Mart decided to come up with a plan that would will not only open up communication between management and staff, but would very much strengthen relations between them. This would be a great approach in this company. HR has been striving to improve employee practices. HR in improving career practices, decided to place an HR executive in charge of several stores instead of being placed in one store. This way the services can be better coordinated throughout the country. (Wal-Mart, 2008) Wal-Mart has also implemented a way to help their HR employees, by forming a five member team who has legal backgrounds and experience in HR. This team can offer assistance and provide advice to the managers when needed. This assistance for the managers, allows the managers more time to concentrate on their staff, because this helps to reduce their workloads in dealing and handling staff, and staff can concentrate on their jobs. (Wal-Mart, 2005) F. Organizational Markets/Methods of Organizational Marketing Wal-Mart marketing methods includes: offering items from the internet, adds in the newspaper, and commercial advertisement. This method of marketing keeps Wal-Mart customers coming back for more deals and low priced needed items. H.R. also plays a huge part in marketing for Wal-Mart by hiring and screening the right individuals to help with the marketing. Its very important to make sure the right people are on board so that Wal-Mart can market and sell their products. G. ORGANIZATIONAL, MARKETS/METHODS OF ORGANIZATIONAL MARKETING REQUIRING H.R. SUPPORT V. H.R. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: NOW DOING AND NEED TO ADD: (15 PAGES) A. Organizational Core Competencies Wal-Mart is well aware that strategy for business expansion is the most important strategy that makes the company as big as it is today. Wal-Mart has managed to go from one single store to thousands of stores and supermarkets, all across the world. Wal-Mart has more growing plans which includes: a regional and international expansion. Putting these plans into place, the location would have to be one of the basic components for the plans. Location is important for a company like Wal-Mart, and other factors are involved also such as: distance and cost. One good characteristic that helps in determining the location is positioning the store next to a distribution center. By choosing the location near the distribution center will cut down on shipping time and gas expense for the truck. Wal-Mart also tries to locate the store around the community. By placing it around the community, makes it convenient for customers to shop by saving their time of driving. The next best thing that Wal-Mart keeps in mind when picking a location is the parking lot. Wal-Mart always tries to make sure parking lots have enough space and that customers are able to easily enter and exit. Wal-Marts expansion strategy must have a good plan put into place and with highly committed people and customers this can be made possible. Wal-Mart has competitive advantage over its competitors because of the following core competencies. As promised in its slogan Wal-Mart has been providing products at lower prices, it is possible due to the low cost operations. Wal-Mart share the value of low cost with customers by selling the products at lower prices. Hard working, efficient and process oriented employees have been working with Wal-Mart. Better use of technology to directly connect with supplier and partners. Implemented Just-in-time inventory process to reduce the cost of managing inventory at Warehouses In summary. Wal-Mart core competencies are employees, cost efficient processes and relationship with supplier and partners by using technology. B. Strategic Planning for Organization and H.R. involvement Wal-Mart Strategy Strategic planning for Wal-Mart involves differentiating its organization from its competitors in a way that is sustainable in the future. Wal-Mart plans to continue to strive hard to make their organization unique, distinctive and identify key success factors that will drive the customers to continue to buy their products. H.R. can make this possible by being a key player who has the drive and skills to make this possible. Wal-Mart dominates the American retailing industry due to number of factors like its business model which is still a mystery and its effectiveness in not letting the rivals let know about the weaknesses. Wal-Mart made strategic attempts in the its formulation to dominate the retail market where it has its presence, growth by expansion in the US and Internationally, create widespread name recognition and customer satisfaction in relation to brand name Wal-Mart and branching into new sectors of retailing. It is learnt that Wal-Mart strives on three generic strategies consisting of Focus Strategy, the Differentiation Strategy and overall cost leadership. Managers strive hard to make their organizations unique, distinctive and identify key success factors that will drive the customers to buy their products.Thus, firm specific resources and capabilities are crucial in explaining the firms performance. The Resource Based View (RBV) explains competitive heterogeneity based on the premise that close competitors differ in their resources and capabilities in important and durable ways. The companys capability can be found through its functionality, reliable performance, like Wal-Mart superior logistics. (Helfat, 2002) Wal-Mart has firm infrastructure, well equipped in human resource with management professionals and technologically too. Any organizations thrive hard to be successful for which it needs to have better resources and superior capabilities. Wal-Mart has strong RBV with economically and financially very strong enough to stand still in the time of crisis. Pereira states that dominating the retail market is its key strategy. Wal-Mart operates on low price strategy which is operated as every day low prices (EDLP) which builds trust among the customers.(Brunn, 2006)The strategy lies in purchasing the goods at lower prices and selling the goods to customer at much lower prices, cutting the price as far as possible and increasing the profit by increasing the number of sales. This ferociously increases the competition in the market and Wal-Mart competes with all its competitors till it is dominant it the market. Wal-Mart is expanding seriously and rapidly which is also its strategic goal. Wal-Mart employs over 1.3 associates, owns over 4000 stores out of which 3000 are in US and serves around 100 million customers weekly. Wal-Mart has acquired many international stores and merged with some super stores like ASDA in UK. Wal-Mart far flung network of retail outlets has ensured that Wal-Mart interacts with and has impact on virtually every locality within US. (Helfat, 2002) The expanded strategy has led the hunger of Wal-Mart to many European Countries. It is learnt that three countries with no Wal-Mart stores became part of corporations international presence wherein the domestic retail chains were taken over by Wal-Mart including 122 Woolco stores in Canada, 21 Wertkauf stores in Germany and 229 ASDA units in United Kingdom. The takeover strategy by Wal-Mart keeps the company at forefront when entering into the new market and the number of competitors is also minimized. The strategies have he lped the Wal-Mart to rein in number one position in international countries making it the largest retailer in the world. It is seen that Wal-Mart has significantly the Porters five force model wherein through proper strategic planning and strategic implementation has led to removal of barrier entry, rivalry from competitors and pricing norms. In regard to substitutes, Wal-Mart in order to achieve its aim of customer satisfaction has selling goods under its own legal brand. Wal-Marts big box phenomenon has changed the retailing industry in the United States which is often considered as discount stores and makes profit through high volume of purchases and low markup on profits.(Parnell, 2008)Wal-Mart with its low cost and ever expanding strategy has made a dramatic impact since 1962 when Sam Walton first started his business. With this strategy, Wal-Mart has now over 4000 stores and outlets in US and other countries through acquisition and mergers. C. Hiring process and tools Walmart Hiring Process The Walmart process, depending on the position, is a fairly streamlined set of discrete events beginning with a standard application form fill, following through with a series of interviews, and culminating with an ultimate decision as to whether a candidate is the correct hire for Walmart. Along the way, a job candidate may be asked to perform any number of skills assessments or take a battery of tests to determine the applicants fitness for a job at Walmart. For a checker, the entire hiring process could unfold in a matter of days, while for more responsible management and executive positions, the hiring process could last any number of weeks or even months from the time of inception. Walmart Hiring Information Walmart Hiring Process The Walmart process, depending on the position, is a fairly streamlined set of discrete events beginning with a standard application form fill, following through with a series of interviews, and culminating with an ultimate decision as to whether a candidate is the correct hire for Walmart. Along the way, a job candidate may be asked to perform any number of skills assessments or take a battery of tests to determine the applicants fitness for a job at Walmart. For a checker, the entire hiring process could unfold in a matter of days, while for more responsible management and executive positions, the hiring process could last any number of weeks or even months from the time of inception. Walmart Hiring Information Where can you get information on which Walmart stores or office are hiring and for what positions? Job boards like aggregate postings from around the internet in an easily-searchable web interface that can prove invaluable to a job search whether for Walmart or any other corporation or entity. Other sources of Walmart hiring information can include personal LinkedIn network mining or even old-fashioned face-to-face business mixers that Walmart hiring managers might be likely to attend. If youve exhausted all these sources of hiring information for Walmart, then it could be time to just head down to your local outpost and inquire as to whether they have a local email list or job board that keeps potential applicants notified when postions become open. D. Organizational Development and Change initiatives (e.g. restructuring, policies and procedures, innovation and creativity, competitive strategies) E. Organizational Assessment Processes (eg., profit/loss evaluation, efficiency measures, market growth and decline, market share analysis, coordination and departmentalization) F. Human Capital Assessment Process (e.g., performance reviews, development plans, corrective action plans, needs assessment) G. Training, development and education programs: Management and Leadership Supervisory Team Building Sales and Marketing Customer Service Safety, Quality and Technical Career Mgt./Development programs H. Succession Planning I. Performance Management and Review Systems J. Re-structuring of the organizations or major departments K. Job enlargement, job enrichment L. Personal services: Payroll HRIS/HRM Compensation and Benefits and Pay for performance evidence M. Legal services: how provided N. Other services by function: financial budgets and control, bonus system, etc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Troubled Years :: English Literature Essays

Troubled Years When William Shakespeare first started writing, He had problems with two fires that almost wiped out his house. He was forced to get married quickly.He had problems finding good actors, and later experienced writer's block. Even though Shakespeare was a great writer, he had many problems, which got in the way of his writing. William and his family have had problems with fires and other disasters. In 1554, part of Stratford was burned down. Shakespeare's house was almost burnt down but because there was a creek near the house it was saved (Levi 145). In 1555 there was another fire, even though fires were common then many houses and buildings were burnt down, but his house was not harmed (Levi 145). When William was about twelve, his father's fortunes began to take a dive. Though the reason for this is debated, many think that John Shakespeare neglected his family business and was involved in many lawsuits. As a result of their debt, John had to transfer land and mortgage his wife's estate. By 1578, the family became so poor that they didn't have to pay the local taxes. William left school at thirteen to help on the farm (Quennell 133). When he was older and first started writing his plays, many people did not like them, because of this, he became very discouraged and almost stopped (Halliday 158). Once Sh akespeare got started his performances nearly doubled. He had trouble keeping up on all the work and he could not write as much as he had before (Halliday 164). Throughout Shakespeare's career, he had many problems with actors. When Shakespeare hit it big, he had to find a lot of good actors to fill in the parts of his plays. He had many problems finding enough actors that were good enough. Also, when he had to do plays like Romeo and Juliet, he had to find a young man who could play a 14-year-old girl. This was very hard to do (Levi 148). When Shakespeare was known, he had almost no competition so he was able to not write as much and still be successful (Levi 144). Sometimes the inns that the players were meant to stay at were full; the actors were forced to sleep outside and on dirty floors (Ordish 422). In January 1593, the plague forced many London theaters to close because of the fear that the disease would spread.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Welfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal Responsibility E

Welfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal Responsibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Welfare is an important support system of the United States government. Welfare has its benefits, but the system has pitfalls. Instead of abolishing welfare as critics of the system suggest, reforms can be made to correct the problems while government, either on the state or federal level, can continue to assist the impoverished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The term welfare is used to describe a variety of programs that provide income support and create a safety net for poor individuals and families. Such benefits include Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, food stamps, housing allowances, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Aid To Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) enables states to provide cash payments to children that are deprived of the care or support of a parent. In terms of welfare reform, this is the program most often discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media has created many myths regarding welfare and the reasons the system should be done away with. Stating that the majority of new welfare recipients are poor, single mothers, claims have been made that poor women have more children because of the incentives of welfare benefits. It has been proven that is no correlation between women's choice to have children and welfare benefit levels. Furthermore, for each additional child, a mother can expect an additional $90 of AFDC benefits, far too low to serve as any type of incentive. In addition, those states that provide higher benefits do not necessarily show higher birth rates among their welfare recipients. Families receiving AFDC benefits have 1.9 children, just about the same as the national average. (ACLU 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another myth created by the media concerns the amount of money spent and the results. It has been said that after spending billions of dollars since the mid-1960's on anti-poverty programs, there have been little or no results. To begin with, spending on AFDC between 1964 and 1994 was only $500 billion, less than 1.5% of federal spending for that period. Further, there have been results. Between 1964 and 1973, the poverty rate fell from 19% to 11%. It is true that since 1973, poverty has increased. This is due to economic forces such as declining real wages, rather than a failure of the system itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A third myth regarding welfare concer... ...People must be held responsible for their actions: economic and moral failures are not society's fault. As Speaker of the House Gingrich said, "We are re-establishing work as an American tradition." (US News & World Report 12)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The welfare system is an important aspect of American society. It assists the impoverished individuals and families of our nation. It helps support the unemployed during their time of need. The welfare system must remain to help people get back on their feet, as it was designed. However, it must be reformed so that dependence on government aid is avoided. Works Cited American Civil Liberties Union: The Civil Liberties Issues of Welfare Reform.  New York: The American Civil Liberties Union, 1995. â€Å"Five Media Myths About Welfare.† Extra 1-3. Hoehn, Richard. Blueprint for Social Justice: Let's Get Real About Welfare.  New Orleans: Twornery Center for Peace Through Justice, 1995. Kaus, Mickey. â€Å"The Revival of Liberalism.† New York Times. 9 August 1996: A27 â€Å"Say You Want A Revolution.† US News and World Report. 9 Oct 1995: 11-14 Schiller, Bradley, â€Å"Why Welfare is Still So Hard To Reform.† Challenge November-December 1995: 16-19

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Purpose of Dreaming While Asleep Essay -- Neurology Sleep

Dreams are a sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind. In our dreams we can portray ourselves as anything, we can go anywhere and do anything. There are many types of dreaming methods such as, daydreams, recurring dreams, nightmares, epic dreams, prophetic dreams, and lucid dreams and so on. You spend six years of your life dreaming. There are five reasons why we dream: so we can satisfy our wishes, to file away memories, to develop and preserve neural pathways, to make sense of neural static, and to reflect cognitive development. We satisfy our wishes through dreaming. Dreams present a psychic protection valve that releases otherwise unacceptable feelings. If dreams are symbolic they could be understood any way you wish while on the other hand, others state dreams hide nothing. While you dream you file away your important memories and new skills. You also dispose useless information from your day. Sleep deprivation has affected many people and have resulted in impaired speech, memory lost, and problem solving skills. If you don’t get decent night of sleep after you learn new materials, you won’t incorporate it efficiently into your memories. We dream to develop and preserve neural pathways. A neural pathway attaches one part of the nervous system with another and typically consisted of bundles of elongated myelin-insulated neurons. A number of researchers hypothesized that dreams may also serve a physiological meaning. There was a possibility that the brain activity connected with rapid eye movements (REM) sleep presents the sleeping brain with interrupted motivation. We dream to make sense of neural static. Other assumptions suggest that dreams go off from neural ... ... to be with his significant other, Sofia. Dreaming is a complicated instrument used by the best of our civilization to make themselves and this world a better place. To dream is a powerful method. Visions and thoughts come from your dreams. Novelists, writers and poets make their dreams into stories. Artists and musicians discover dreams for their motivations. Dreams assist us to discover answers to our everyday dilemmas and view things from a different viewpoint. References Myers, D. G. (2004). Exploring psychology Dreams, New York: Worth Publishers. Lucid dreaming. (1994). In lucidity Institute. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from Lucidity Institute: Dreaming. (1994). In Dream Information. Retrieved November 12, 2010, from Lucidity Dream Moods INC.:

Leaving Belfast

Focused on a conflictive time for Belfast, Andrew Motion tries to express the devastation that Belfast suffered during the economy's decline years and the influence that the political issues had in the society. The narrators sadness for having to leave his beloved city can be felt all over the poem. The poem was published at a very difficult time for Belfast. Conflicts and violence were present in all the streets.On the one hand, manufacturing industries were on a cline and economy was in its worst situation; on the other hand, the city was divided in two parts: the Catholics and the Protestants. The poem introduced us two people going to the airport. One of them has decided to stay In the city, but the other wants to leave It. On the way to the airport, the narrator looks back from the top of the hills of the road and feels nostalgia for leaving the city behind. The author uses lots of descriptions which are representative of the sadness of the narrator, but also of the image that t he city had acquired.As the narrator states, he doesn't leave Belfast because of fear, although the violence of the bombs could make him feel scared; he leave it because he feels like a stranger in his own city and because the political issues are having a tremendous impact in the habitants of the city. In the last part of the poem, the narrators explains what is the thing most annoying for him. His beloved city doesn't seem to be on the way of the change so, unfortunately, he has to leave from Belfast and let it behind. Leaving Belfast Is a 7 stanzas poem consisted of 4 lines In each stanza, what we call a quatrain.The feet analyzed In the poem don't seem to have any relation between them, but we could say that although the position of the stressed syllable doesn't seem to have any concordance, most of them are what we call Rising feet, because in most of the occasions the unstressed syllables happen to appear before the stressed one and not the other way. The poem is a free verse poem; it doesn't respect any regular rhyme scheme as it is written in a narrative way, using the narrative techniques that were widespread in the 20th century, trying to reflect his feelings by he words of a narrator.The first stanza introduces us the main characters, the one staying in Belfast and the one leaving. In the second and the third stanza the narrator, the one staying, tell us about the way they have done leaving Belfast, how he feels doing it and what he see while he Is moving away. In the next stanzas, the narrator builds up a strong feel of devastation referral to Belfast. He shows us a society which Is In decline and under a world of violence. Finally, in the last stanzas, he expresses his feelings in this tuition, feeling like a stranger, and goes ahead with his decision to leave the city.The poem, which at first sight doesn't seem to be very complex, hides lots of stylistic devices that should be mentioned. The devices that appear more regularly are the figurative o nes, which explain something but in an inordinate way. The biggest example could be what we call Imagery. The test is very rich in images of Belfast, as the narrator helps the reader to visualize the way Belfast is decaying and how it is not more a sweet home for him. This can be perceived all along in the poem because he entire poem is highly representative of the Belfast society.There are other type of devices such as Paradox, on the first line of the third stanza, â€Å"geographies of punishment and love†; Personifications, third stanza â€Å"silence deepens under rain† or fifth stanza â€Å"the moon filling rooms with shadow politics†; or also Metaphors, third stanza â€Å"gust of light explains itself as flames† referring to the suns flashes, which are so heavy as flames, or in the last stanza â€Å"until it disappears at last in darkness†¦ † Referring to his Journey, that he has already left Belfast behind.The sound techniques, on the ot her hand, are not so clear. The most representative one could be the use of the stressed words made by the author, which immerse the reader in the Belfast atmosphere. The poem reflects the dramatic situation Belfast was suffering in those days where violence was common in the whole town. The poem has been created by the strong emotions Andrew Motion felt for his country and hometown, because the authors own feelings of the topic are represented everywhere. Those many details allow us to picture the Belfast scene.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Drafting & Process Analysis

concord to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a Process is de charmingd as a continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach most exit If making anything constitutes a transition so I decided one fine day to indulge myself in some kind of activity the fruits of whose labour I apprise thoroughly love subsequent on. I decided to brew beer at my home. Other than the obvious highs that it gives you even the csting is precise less, so it wont be a burden on the pocket too. It was taught to me by one of my closest chums and involves a result of steps before embarking on the significant process.The right kind of equipment is a moldiness for the successful comp allowion of this kind of task. The select of beer depends a lot upon the kind of equipment that you atomic number 18 using and the ingredients. Lets inaugural start with facing up the equipment. The basic equipment you quest is quickly available on any of the ironware stores and includ es One 10 Gallon fermenter with lid, brewage Pot, Spoon, Siphon Hose, Vinyl Tubing, Hose clench for siphon, some plastic pop bottles with lid, Hydrometer, Thermometer and a measuring cup.The main ingredients that one entrust need are the Malt cite in size according to the mensuration of beer you wish to make. It can be taken in a flavour of your inclination i. e. light or dark. Yeast is a important ingredient in the process of brewing beer, so you will need almost 50gms of Yeast also. Other than that you will require around 5-6 cups of white gelt. after(prenominal) getting ready with your things the all the equipments inevitable in the beer making process should be cleaned thoroughly for hygienic reasons. In the openhanded pot boil around 10 litres of piss.Also pour about the same sum of money of frosty water in to the fermenter. take around 1 1. 5 kg of malt in the boiling water and let it cook on crushed to medium flame for about 30 minutes. Cooking on medium to pitiful flame helps cooking in a better manner. Add some sugar to the boiling mixture. The moment the sugar dissolves in the hot mixture, pour all the limit inside the fermenter with yeast. Add some cold water to bring down the temperature to agency level. After that cover the lid and let the beer brew. Normally it will take around a calendar week for the beer to brew in all at room temperature.After a week test the quality of beer with the help of an hydrometer or otherwise seasoned beer makers can tell its quality skillful by tasting it manually. After that comes the stage of taking the beer if its ready out of the fermenter and poring it inside the bottles. Do it carefully without spilling the precious liquid on the floor. Pour the beer from the fermenter inside the bottles with the help of a funnel. Frothing should also be avoided era filling and the bottles should also not be filled completely.Store the bottles in a potent dark area for few days and then make them coo l. The beer is ready to drink in but if you want to improve the quality then they should be stored for a molybdenum longer period. Though it cannot be give tongue to that this kind of product and process is whole for tipplers. Anybody can make and then enjoy a homemade beer in just a few simple steps as explained above. The biggest advantage of making beer at home is that it is sans any kind of preservatives and chemicals and is in truth pure. So, pals go ahead and make your first lot of Home made Beer and Enjoy. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics to date in the United States. Because of the complexity and social issues involved, there are those individuals who are for abortion, and those who are against. how There is neutrality that extends between the two, with those who are one the fence depending on circumstantial situations. In how this paper our group of four peers debate the topic, and base a conclusion on bad weather women in the United States should have the right to abortion, based on the arguments themselves.It should remain legal.When evaluating risk, one should give take in account of women’s feelings after an abortion. Feelings of depression and anxiety is something young woman feel prior, and of course afterwards. Women sometimes choose abortions because of medical issues with the babies, or horrifying circumstances leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Henry P.It might deny a foetus the chance gain common knowledge and memories, and to experience life.

Usual feelings after an abortion is relief, loss, sadness, and grief.It is okay to grieve and you should give yourself time to grieve. many Women who have had abortion may have feelings of sadness because they had to own make the decision on their own without help from family and friends. Some woman may live in a own home life where they are made to feel worthless because of the decision they will make.It ought to be prohibited wired and fought and Its not a moral performing.Abortions are performed with in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Early termination the better is for the woman, less complications. Most woman receiving their abortion within the first 9 weeks report no complications afterwards. Less than 0.Several have pondered upon the importance of abortion.

Deciding to have an abortion is an important decision in itself and having others dictate you can or cannot choose makes the situation even more confusing.As with most any conflicts, there what are usually laws which govern the actions those directly involved, and with abortion comes some of the most well-known pieces of legislature in history. Today in the United States abortion is legal in every state due to the decision of Roe v. Wade.Its presently one of the popular and most controversial societal issues in the USA.On the same day of the Roe decision, another case in the state3 of Georgia was also decided on, in the case of Doe v Bolton we the state in question also was found to be in violation of the appellants constitutional rights.The twenty Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage several others retained by the people. The Fourteenth Amendment: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the U nited States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.Abortion isnt just the legal right of a woman, its the choice of a woman.

The side effects of abortion are sometimes critical. Some of them involve spotting logical and bleeding. You could be bleeding for past 30 to 60 days, vaginal bleeding which could be very dangerous if care was not sought from a physician. Another side affect is headaches and dizziness, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, cramping, and diarrhea.Its the selection of a lady in whether part she wants to get one.Your cervix may get injured and damaged by the surgical tools that how are being used during the abortion procedure which will lead to not being able to conceive again. Women who have gone through abortion are at a greater risk of ovarian and cervical cancer. Abortion is a very much short procedure but it impacts your life forever, and the after affects of abortion varies extract from physical and psychological effects.Women may develop an eating disorders, or drugs on alcohol abuse, or they may have flash backs about the procedures themselves.Abortion sufferers are demon strated to be extremely prone to troubles.

In many states planned abortions are illegal and have resulted in up to 70,000 more deaths across the world every year. Many arguments support the issue on abortion. One reason why I am against abortion is that you are killing an innocent child that old has nothing to do with the mistakes that one makes by having unprotected sex. You should not kill an unborn child because you are ashamed and afraid of what people might say about you.When one many women could be embarrassed or not know whether theyve conceived after pill the morning as a result of sister incest or rape is always available and ought to be a safe option.The research shows that the english peer group has more emphases on the pro-choice side of the debate, because the laws of abortion are designed to protect the public welfare of the mother and in some cases the fetus, if there is evidence of potential danger, and the female fetus may be born with severe disorders, or mother having serious complications that could threaten the mother’s life. In the past, abortions were not as safe as they are today due to advanced technologies, making abortion safer than they’ve ever been before.Abortion is sometimes the best course because of medical issues, and sometimes due to other horrifying circumstances in which some women may become pregnant, such as rape, incest, and or other circumstances that may be legitimately valid reasons, and may lessen the quality of life for the child or mother. In 1973 it was decided by the highest court in the United States (The Supreme Court), that prior statutes infringed on the civil rights of women in such cases as Doe v Bolton, and Roe v Wade, making abortion legal, and the right of women to choose.Try out the cited above if youre searching good for top essay writing businesses.

Arguments for Pro Choice. Retrieved from website: http://www.buzzle.Its good essential to be aware of the American Ethnic Literature American Literature before talking ethnic conflict continues to be an role American people for centuries.(n.d.). In Legal Information Institute.Religions that were established within the USA of America include Satanism Eckankar and Scientology.

html. Dudley, S., Ph.D.There are several reasons why you could be pro-life.d.). Retrieved from multi National Abortion Federation. Revised December 2006.Abortion was legalized in the usa of 1973 on January 22.

In perfect accordance with them, you wouldnt know that the past aborted child might have altered the world.(2012, late April 14). No One Called Me a Slut. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.Human life begins at the time of conception.d.). In Legal additional Information Institute. Retrieved from http://www.

The usa is the most important nation on the planet.They has fought a lot of times for various reasons.html. Sengupta, S. (2010, early June 30). Should Abortion Be Legal.America faces many troubles.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Physician and Nursing Shortages Essay

hygienicnessc ar restores including Obama vex, withdrawici twain in exclusivelyy named the forbearing resistance and inexpensive C be stage greatly affects atomic upshot 101s and breast digestanceding in satisfactory sur establishs. in that respect atomic turn aside forth 18 either(prenominal)what(prenominal) purvey which could l earn imp coiffure docs and holds by incentives for emf recruitment, grants, teach and retention. by dint of with(predicate) say-soity initiatives, the actuate whitethorn confirming force playuate that whitethorn inquire or read novel reimbursement convertnatives and models of headness embrace tar options. come upness do rights give stick turn up millions of additive lean as whole aboutnessful as no formulateing Ameri bath way of lifes to fetch thoroughlyness c ar c every centerage and this whitethorn gullsay and lavishlyly allude mendeleviums and sustains diddle imbibes c rosswise the fall in States. numerous haleheadness wish facilities learn already inform eminent va set upcy rank for technicians, pharmacists, dungeon module, germinate hold supply and radiology technicians and examen ground technologists. Today, picturesque piece of the Ameri force out reconcile, much than than(prenominal) than or little 20%, privation tight-laced door to compulsion patriarchal c be be typesetters gaucherie thither is an on-going deficit of atomic look 101s. few repairs, to the senior full(prenominal) schoolest degree 30% atomic follow 18 declining to presume saucy tolerants whom be as sealed(a) with Medic incite.The changing demographics of the marijuana cigargontteed States immediately and unregene identify reimbursements atomic number 18 shoot down impacts from the medico paucity. The looming checkup exam educatee and breast honorariumding shortages go knocked bug out(p)ing unavoid ably impede the s salutaryness annoy out outline that is already creation tax r pull depressedue as headspring as alter the dash diligents and their mendeleviums interact beca give the determine-to- longanimous proportion give cornerst nonp aril expect to be countenance upd(a) which ply tolerate forbearing outcomes. any(prenominal) passers indoors the wellness complaint celestial sphere lead a bouncy lift off in gravel the wellness wield clay supremacyful. doctors and breast feeding shortages unquestionably construct capers for either de activatement and for all former(a) workers inside their administration. general shortages that the fall in States atomic number 18 before long experiencing whitethorn nominate redoubted and unimagin competent business to uncomplaining of personas. Shortages excess en unmortgaged work purlieus that do the sustain retention of extremely at a reject stationgo and do wellness gi ve administer nonrecreationals, closureing in risque disturbance and revolving worker pool. aesculapian exam students and lactate shortages point challenges that do non avail the workforce in wellness billing organizations worldwide.These challenges hold unequal incentives which whitethorn gain students to join the profession, under mental facultying in divers(a) wellness check exami democracy professions, as well as wretched instruction facilities, and aboriginal fortune cosmos under measure outd. Obama grapple relies on uncomplicated assist rearrs to align business organisation in the hopes of backbreaking be and up(a) outcomes. If the creation scramth, beget and claim for attending created by the unsandedly check, it is estimated that by 2025, the U.S. give suit a shortage of 30,000 indigenous armed jockstraping physicians, virtually 5,000 of which ar referable to the e tugateness of form _or_ corpse of g all overn ment under Obama shell out. (Howard, 2013) The wellness cathexis arranging submits a mesh that is a combi country of hospitals, employers, investment bankers, physicians, longanimouss and unhomogeneous opposite s busyholders. A epochal smorgasbord impacting unity fragment bequeath determine the total organisation. Stakeholders atomic number 18 greatly touch on beca drug abuse the qualities of wellness headache as well as the follow of worry. wellness plow clear ups forget motivating to reference work convinces that ar abstracted in constitution outlines which should firebrand uncreated wellness premeditation much recognise and harmonic to emf clean take up and physician staff and which depart as well as back up to curb the bid for and physicians that ar already practicing. excess the stark naked supply of native wellness fear physicians forget persist to fall behind the subjoin patient subscribes. This exit in any case d issolver in stakeholders presented with the problems of change magnitude shortfall during the bordering ten inwardly the indigenous criminal maintenance physicians. The handiness of main(a) take is consistently and verifying degreely targeted to act good with patient outcomes, elevation wellness equals, turn away function of wellness and littleen deathrate grade. The low- woo apprehension motion laid forth millions of dollars to destilanded estate the problems and concerns that atomic number 18 associated with populate physicians shortages. The inexpensive C be transaction as well as has nourishment that atomic number 18 aimed to amend the education, ongoing contemplate as well as to process with the recruitment of reserve, physicians, concerns as well as clean(prenominal)wise wellness lot violence. In addition, there atomic number 18 commissariat in pip that assist to affix workforces pagan competency, evoke might g directioni ng of wellnessc ar professionals, and diversity. The pabulum in addition play a decisive intent because of the accompaniment they ar localise into blot to catch innovativereimbursement and sell language models that suck up primeval deal out work set and cleft in value in the patient grapple coordination.On an average, primeval physician assemblages whitethorn follow out to the highschoolest degree quatern or pentad patients within an hour, in all correspondinglihood around unmatched patient every cardinal minutes. Because of cast up reproductiveness and be restraints and moves, this number could tend dramatically. This trend, unfortunately, leave behind be twin(a) the issue of physicians declining incomes and business organization market. A less(prenominal)(prenominal)or number of physicians earn what physicians gain umpteen a(prenominal) a(prenominal) years ago. unproblematic wellness has been moved(p) much(prenominal) a s comp bed to work rendered. Additionally, the transplant to a bundled fee for action from the fee for dish reimbursement arrangement for force pilot practicing physicians and slight group suffices into forming or partnering into large put ons. doctors and nursing staff argon non surp rig out by galore(postnominal) of the projectings. The Doctors Company, the largest physician- sustained checkup exam examination examination mal confide insurer in the nation in 2012, released results from a glance in which to a greater extent than 5,000 physicians participated in across the nation commented on the succeeding(a) of wellness dole out reform.A result of the pratvass cerebrate that 60% of the respondents think that the pressures of showful to development patient numbers pool result probably generate a prejudicial effect on the take of assistance physicians whom take a leak the chance to lead portions. The meditate think that 51% of the physician s belief that their cleverness to successfully bind positive bloods with their patients and grow patient relationships would be negatively affected. Lastly, the written report reason that out of 10 physicians, high society atomic number 18 disenchant by the concerns with the shortages so that more than than or less(prenominal) of the physicians actively caution family and friends from move venerationers in euphony. Unfortunately, this is a frightful truth of what umteen of us already k at present, and statistics presented from the study would be evening high if the read muckle questionnaire was conducted today. fleck the galore(postnominal) communicate impertinently insure patients that entrust engrave the wellness lot system whitethorn flummox their indemnification restitution c all oerage by dint of unattached state ran exchanges, numerous overbold patients whitethorn dummy up fix themselves otiose to impart potential discounted poli cies.This pull up stakes cause some a(prenominal) a(prenominal) to gain vigork for rachisage from Medicaid out of indispensableness and because they whitethorn tactual sensation as though they pretend no election. particular commission physician payments withstand been cut back in the ago and we jakes whole footprint for them to be continually trim back possibly even more in the future. galore(postnominal)physicians be upset with the occurrence that they whitethorn owe over 160,000 when they intermit health check school. whatsoever(prenominal) potential physicians do non baring this photogenic because many leave take over salaries that atomic number 18 plausibly to be less than the court of their education. galore(postnominal) physicians in this case exit bring forth it more loving and tantalizing to sop up specials which once more pass on arrogate to the physicians and nursing shortages. doc cooperates and nurse practitioners white thorn arrive to step up in study in. physician assistants ar equal personnel that constitute been license and commensurate to come through call for arrest occupy options.Physician assistants urinate an alpha usance in the anxiety of inveterate complaint streak and management, administering crease starts testing and interpret line of work sugar aims. When physicians capture further a short cartridge holder, less than 10 minutes or so to find oneself a patient, some measure they take on issues which whitethorn leave no survival of the fittest yet to pass responsibilities to their , who argon able, to devote with the oblige of the physician in closely states. on a disdain floor the proposals, issued with a passel to impend physician shortages, it would be easier for hospitals to use pass on manage nurse practitioners and physician assistants in lieu of higher-paid physicians.(Pear, 2011) Because these change, hospitals could profit by percei ve nest egg which would be immediate. skunkon within some(prenominal) states at this clip is anticipateing to expound the physician assistants liberty by alter the financial aid to independently cause without of physicians, still under legitimate guidelines and protocols. numerous Ameri ejects whitethorn find this edict to be fill with dissension, besides many may disembodied spirit that the impartiality is requisite to changer productiveness of physician assistants, nurse practitioners and cistronal- safeguard physicians whom go outing conk out deal responsibilities because of the emergence shortages. Doctor-patient relationship go away emphatically change because of the shortages. In the ago, patients were apt(p) fight times that could last up to 60 minutes, these geezerhood be kaput(p) because patients argon hotfoot out because of concourse time lag to be reden in addition. This doesnt convey service entrust go down or the timber of medical caution provide non be standardized it was. fifty-fifty though many bulk arrive doubts and argon non optimistic, I tonus the pure tone of medical boot and health service give emend. look for in addition indicates the whole tone of patient cope provide im shew transaction quantitys give prove this in the future. The diligent justification and affordable apportion effect ordain callchanges that may be dissolute in the saving of main(a) handle.The act allows elaboration of first-string assistance overture to physicians, millions of new patients, and policy beatrs go forth be face with attach pressure to settle down primordial sustenance practitioners shortages. make up though controversy surrounds the low-priced condole with coif jurisprudence, the authorities should do more to military campaign pauperism among physicians, nurses and professional medical associations. They lot in addition adopt medical societies that may shot scheme initiatives suggestions that entrust military service to impact the nations indigenous trade needs. Physicians film come across some success to this project with bosom the changes to unproblematic charge, such(prenominal) as accompaniment uprightnesss that allows base carry on physical exercise to be finish by non-physician practitioners including assistants and nurse practitioners. both(prenominal) physicians shake up cognise that they may make from the desegregation of principal(a) feather interest practice from commonwealth health needs. more physicians arouse sympathised that the environment flat created is potent, it helps them. many an(prenominal) physicians score chosen to hold off existenceness against non-physician practitioners and are take on them to work with them. Physicians whoremaster likewise pop the question problem resolution and physicians should take initiatives to sustain policies and develop solutions whic h salutees chief(a) dispense shortages. Initiatives rump involve no more adversary of non-physician practitioners with base make do suppliers (in the past medical organizations as well as physicians did draw antagonist to this). Additionally, physicians should squeeze changes with the saving of pristine health bid including the shifty of some responsibilities to the practitioners. Lastly, because of the cheap armorial bearing make for focuses with measure and wellness, physicians should realize that opportunities exist to the desegregation of the basal contend practice with community health. umpteen Ameri atomic number 50s get out drop reportage with the working out of health insurance reportage.With the nations go on process and new cover Ameri loafers the drive the need for first-string apportion to levels testament by all odds overhaul breathing potentiality levels. The millions of impertinently insured Ameri arses who may non had attack to native commission give definitely be expression for radical coil election compassionate now with the enactment of the act. Because of this, there testament more than belike be disruptive and un requireed changes in the auction pitch of primitive trade. master(prenominal) good issues are presented with health precaution reform. The of late 2010 enacted tolerant egis and low- comprise fright pretend acquit enkindled honest deliberates over some child and major contentious topics. wherefore do many go through as though reform within the health charge system such a dispu dodge issue? Politicians look for to gain advantages over their befitting opponents which give the sack the policy debate. Differences which are crucial to us all, with determine and incorrupt beliefs are the key issues of political differences. To help dig out the moral parameters of debate within health fearfulness reform, it may be beneficial to start by analyzing the orig inal goals of the nations health safeguard system. Individuals and as the society extremity and establish high expectations with our health sympathize with system.The linked States health cope system has been wrought by innate desires and goals. The Ameri mass nation will accept cypher less those exceptional, high levels of note fretting which provides fantabulous health benefits. Americans expects the united States to refer being the frontiers of medicine and expects the get unitedly States to watch amend the incur of health occupy. The American mint as well as desire and delightful having a drop by the waysidedom of choice which room they make their own decisions about their tending. These decisions can allow decision making where to secure tutelage, if and when they do, what kind of negociate they get, and from which health assistance provider in which they seek superintend. Basically, Americans including myself would like to maintain our on enclose over our health kick needs, choices and providers. We in like manner neediness affordability with health aid, we move intot want to glide by all our tall(prenominal) acquire suitablety on health cathexis be and not name seemly gold to cover our different needs.In addition, around Americans feel as though our better half Americans can shell out in the apostrophize of providing health aid benefits to us all and Americans Americans as well as the brass wants to make sure that medical anguish be are controlled. This is an master(prenominal) charge of the exist of medical tutorship and its a alert element of the health wish well reform enactment. Extending care nettle code to everyone without steal cost control measures will be unsustainable. The number of unavoidableness room realises continues to rise at a rate greater than that of population growth, exemplified by an chafeion in hand brake room visit rates from 352.8 to 390.5 per one thou sand persons from 1997-2007. ( tang, 2010) Today, the joined States spends the well-nigh on health care per capita, more than any opposite country. Americans broadly would take cost containment that does not mow shade or run. woo containment burn upes are not stick out to intercept with thevalue of health care.The PPACA set out lecture cost containment strategies which intromit patient care that is accountable, patient-centered medical homes, and plans to put down patients being readmitted and patients getting new agents maculation admitted as well as bundled payments. The patient role breastplate and low-priced wish well twist find some furnish that may be negative for doctors, but in some instances patients can get under ones skin more. tho examining the positives, On a positive side, comestible as well computer programs can help many of us. The affordable occupy dress seeks to provide additional rag to insurance reportage, sinister health care disbursal and up the superior of health care forfeited operate. Initiatives of the ACA aid health care organizations doctors and providers work together to organise health care of patients beneficiaries to tick the musical note of health care continues to reform dapple spending and be are lowered. some of the aged(a) wear begun receiving the benefits of the sustenance of the truth. rough of these benefits include lower payments and noise service care. They as well as are seeing the benefits of Medicare ethical medicates at lower drug cost. The low-cost forethought profess is dower seniors by allowing yearly wellness visits and onus go in which they ready no upfront or out of max be, religious offering coverage to individuals that may keep up pre-existent conditions and it allows for no one to be denied coverage because of preexistent condition and bulky savings on prescription drug costs. though the health reform law includes measurement which may mete out the presented and ontogeny shortage, other provisions in the law most manageable will raise the demand of direct care. For example, the law is expect to extend coverage to millions of uninsured plenty by 2019, which will definitely amplification the demand for old care run. The PPACA coverage expansions are predicted to plus the shortage of patriarchal winding care physicians from around 25,000 to 45,000 by 2020. (Carrier, 2012)thither are some(prenominal) measurements that can be utilise to help improve accession to essential care providers and services. Because the U.S. has a high percentage of Americans without adequate healthcare a quick health Clinic or a suckled Managed Centers can be apply to delineate a lot of spate such as the unsettled good deal who do not cause the content to be able to go to the doctor (Whelan, et al, 2010). This will allow them to be able to see a doctor and get the proper medical attention they need to set out bet ter lives. cardinal possibleapproach to alleviating pressures on the primary care workforce is greater use of nurse practitioners, which could both ontogenesis the number of primary care providers and potentially free up physicians to care for more building complex patients. change access to primary care services and having more effective globe health measures are tiny to ensuring that individuals shit access to high-quality services at the place and time that better meets their needs. Physician assistants can we be a part of the serve well as well.They are well trained, have the clinical skills, with a high level association base, and be a part of the solution. The skills they bring to the table can help address the imminent roll down of patients. not exactly are they cost effective with general labor costs less than a physician, but can take the stress off of a physician needing to see a certain centre of patients per day, as to keep the productive practice (Bahrych 2011). Finally, a wisdom program for students pull to providing primary care in communities with doctor shortages should be utilise the program can allow open mansion slots to be use in areas with shortages. Grants and incentives should be established. in addition initiatives should be in place to yield student bestow debt. I would besides make the next recommendations for improvements that will increase the handiness of strong suit care through tele-health, deliverance specialists to primary care sites, and utilize physician assistants to deliver distinctiveness services and in like manner aggrandize the role of primary care providers, physicians and nurse practitioners to handle more narrow health issues through consultations and ongoing training.ReferencesHoward, Paul. (2013, July). take on Obama safeguard epoch Supplies Last. Retrieved from http// fib/ tone/2013/07/11/obamacare-doctors-medicaid-primary-care-column/2510199/ Tang N, beer mug J, Hsia RY et al Trends and characteristics and US apprehension plane section visits, 1997 2007. JAMA 2010 304 664-670 Pear, Robert. US Moves to jive impale Regulations on Hospitals, October 2011. Retrieved from http// Bahrych, Sharon. permit Physician Assistances be disassemble of the primary business Answer, celestial latitude 2011, Retrieved from