Thursday, May 14, 2020

Women in Oedipus Rex Essay - 2712 Words

Women in Oedipus Rex Charles Segal in Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge explains one of the pivotal functions of Jocasta in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex: The second series begins with Jocasta. . . .Now Oedipus is pursuing the killer as possibly the same as himself. . . . In this set his goal shifts gradually from uncovering the murderer to discovering his own parents. The confidence and power that he demonstrated in the first series of encounters gradually erode into anger, loss of control and fear (72). This essay will reveal the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women, the contribution of women to plot development, and other considerations relevant to women in†¦show more content†¦The critic Ehrenberg warns that it â€Å"may lead to ‘hubris’† (74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the â€Å"godlike mastery† of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless characteristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta’s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god’s command: â€Å"He fell; and now the gods command is plain: /Punish his takers-off, whoeer they be.† Immediately Oedipus boldly launches a campaign to do what is best for his people and for himself: I also, as is meet, will lend my aid To avenge this wrong to Thebes and to the god. Not for some far-off kinsman, but myself, Shall I expel this poison in the blood; For whoso slew that king might have a mind To strike me too with his assassin hand. Oedipus, in his public proclamation regarding punishment for the killer of King Laius, shows more lenient treatment toward the guilty party if he confesses his crime: â€Å"I summon him to make clean shrift to me./And if he shrinks, let him reflect that thus /Confessing he shall scape the capital charge†. Oedipus, in his cross-examination of the holy man Teiresias, shows his mastery to be more human and less godlike: â€Å"Monster! thy silence would incense a flint. /Will nothing loose thy tongue? Can nothing melt thee, /Or shake thy dogged taciturnity?† The king is confronted withShow MoreRelated Oedipus Rex – The Women Essay2731 Words   |  11 PagesOedipus Rex – The Women  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Charles Segal in Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge explains the protagonist’s concern for Jocasta’s burial in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex:      Oedipus turns from his utter desolation and abasement to something of his old air of command, albeit in a chastened and softened tone. 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